Freak Shake

Freak Shake

Summer is officially here, there's nothing more refreshing than an expertly crafted summer drink. You can also to do it at the comfort of your home. I had seen this drink a lot on Instagram and was wondering how they are made, I start searching in google and I found out they are being called Freak Shake or some called it Monster shake. 

I decided to make my own version of these drink. I only use ingredients that is available in our pantry as I don't really like spending penny on things that I'm not sure if it will turn out well. I must say "Kuripot". For my first try I use salted caramel kitkat for toppings and a salted caramel sauce on top. 

I called this Kitkat Freakshake. 

Here is my ingredients:


6 Scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream
1 cup of milk
1/2 cup of Salted caramel kitkat finely chopped


Salted Caramel Sauce
Whipped Cream
Salted Caramel kitkat bar

  • To prepare milkshake glasses ( I used mason jar I got it from Kmart for $1.50) Put some caramel sauce inside and let it spread on the sides of the glass. Set it aside until it sets. You can also pop it on the fridge.
  • For milkshakes: combine ice cream and milk in a blender, process until smooth. Stir in the chopped kitkat bars. Pour the milk shake in the prepared glass top with whipped cream. Add kitkat bars and pour some salted caramel sauce on the top. Serves immediately. 
2. Cookies and Cream with Maltesers Freakshake

Few days after I made my Salted caramel freakshake and I feel not satisfy of the look although its not bad for the first timer. I still have some vanilla ice cream left in the freezer and no will eat it I might as well do another milkshake this time around I found some oreo cookies a left over from chocolate coated oreo project. So I thought just used it and make it as a cookies and cream. 


For Milkshake:

6 scoops Vanilla ice cream or you can use cookies and cream flavoured ice          cream
1 packet oreo
1/2 cup milk
Hershey's Chocolate toppings

For Toppings:

Whipped cream
Hershey's Chocolate toppings

  • To prepare the milkshake glasses pour some hershey's chocolate toppings inside the glass and spread it on the sides (you can also put some of the chocolate syrup on the rim of the glass and stick some crushed oreo on it. To do that just put oreo on a ziplock bag and crushed them. then roll the glass into the crushed oreos.). Set this aside or put it on the fridge while you are making the milkshake.
  • For Milkshake: Combine Ice cream and milk in the blender and process it until smooth. Stir in some of the finely chopped oreos omit this if you are using cookies and cream flavoured ice cream. Pour some chocolate syrup to ad some flavour. Transfer the mixture in the prepared glass top with whipped cream. Add your toppings on the top use your creativity on this part. 

I use the same procedure for this one as well but the only this is I put some sprinkles on the rim of the glass and add meringue cookies on the side and on the top.



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