Vegan Vanilla Ice Cream

Vegan Vanilla Ice Cream
(No Churn)

Summer had officially started here in Australia. I really love summer when the sun is shinning, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing and most especially my garden is blooming. I can spend my day seating in the balcony and read books enjoying my colorful flowers. I also love to enjoy some cold desserts.

Today I was walking in the Asian Store and found out that they are selling some Filipino ice cream. I was so tempted to buy it but when I got to check it is so pricey its $12.50 for a small pint. I am not spending that much for an ice cream.

Instead I bought 3 cans of coconut milk. I am making Ice cream from coconut milk. I am trying to stay away from foods with animal derivatives.  So I also bought a gluten free and vegan friendly cone.

This Ice cream based only needs two ingredients, a coconut milk and a coconut condensed milk.

The night before you are making your ice cream put 2 cans of coconut milk in the fridge.
Then you have to make the coconut condensed milk. In a pot, pour the coconut milk and add 2/3 cup of white sugar. Heat it on a low heat until the sugar  has dissolved. Once all the sugar has dissolved bring the mix to a simmer over low/medium heat. Do not stir once the mix starts to simmer otherwise it can crack and crystallized.
Gently simmer for about 30-40 minutes or until the milk has darkened to almost grey in color and has reduced by half and thickened.
When its ready remove from the heat and pour in a jar to cool down. Once it cool down completely put it the fridge and it will be ready to use the next day.

Here is the recipe for the Ice cream base.

1 recipe of coconut condensed milk. (see recipe above)
2 cans of coconut milk (chilled overnight)
2 tsp vanilla extract


1. Chill 2 cans of coconut milk overnight.
2. Open the chilled two cans of coconut milk. The cream should have risen to the top. Carefully scoop the cream to a mix bowl.  ( Reserve the coconut water that has separated from the cream you can use it for smoothie.)  With the electric beater or a stand mixer whip the cream on the high speed for 3-4 minutes until its light and fluffy, and looks like a whipped cream.
3. Add the coconut condensed milk whip on high speed for about 2-3 minutes until it thickened. Stir in vanilla.
4. Transfer to a lidded container and put it on the fridge for 4 hours or overnight.

1. You dont have to be vegan to enjoy this ice cream.
2. Use full fat coconut milk.


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